By contrast, the Davy of the books is so moral that he kidnaps a terrorist, but instead of killing him he dumps him in a hole and gives him food and water until he learns the error of his ways. Seeing the location, David could easily jump there and save people, but he just shrugs and changes the channel. The best example of this is a scene shortly after we are introduced to adult David, when he is lounging in his apartments and flips the channels to find a news report of a flood. Adaptational Jerkass: Done deliberately by Doug Liman due to wanting a protagonist who learns and grows, but it must be said that the David Rice of the movie is rather more amoral and self-centered than the David "Davy" Rice of the books.

Granted, the former is an alcoholic because of said mother leaving them. Abusive Parents: David's father is an alcoholic drunk while his mother is a member of the Ancient Conspiracy tasked with killing all Jumpers, including him.